The story of The Local Apple Cart begins with Rachel Nally, inspired by her childhood haunt, the Apple Cart, a beloved ice cream stand nestled in the heart of Cleveland, Ohio. Growing up in Cleveland's inner city presented its share of challenges—times were tough, and every day was a struggle. But amidst the chaos, the Apple Cart stood as a steadfast beacon of reliability. Its seasonal openings and closings were predictable, its menu offerings consistent, and its owner ever-friendly. Such stability proved invaluable in Rachel's youth, setting the stage for her first job and igniting a passion for future entrepreneurial endeavors.
Today, The Local Apple Cart is celebrated for its delectable homemade ice cream infused with locally sourced fruits, served fresh from our charming food truck. We meticulously craft our ice creams using seasonal fruits to ensure every spoonful bursts with juicy sweetness. From indulgent sundaes to refreshing floats, our menu boasts an array of sweet and cold treats, including freshly dipped strawberries, frozen bananas, crisp apples, and our signature homemade soft serve. Just follow the trail of sprinkles to find our adorable pink truck.
In November 2022, we made the exciting transition from food truck to full-time brick-and-mortar establishment at Union Street Market. Alongside our beloved soft serve, we've introduced a tantalizing selection of homemade hard dip ice creams, featuring plenty of creative and vegan options. And for those seeking an extra kick, why not indulge in our alcohol-infused treats? Picture a whole Pineapple filled with Dole Whip, Tequila, Cherry juice, and crowned with whipped cream—a blissful symphony of flavors. Of course, we haven't forgotten our food truck favorites, including frozen bananas dipped in chocolate and our irresistible caramel apples.
We're bursting with excitement for this new chapter and can't wait to share our passion for delicious treats with you.